Bill Watch List / 2025 Session

Updated: 3/11/2025 1:45 PM


    Adoption Related Bills:
    • AB1453Introduced – Requires information on adoption be provided on public postsecondary campuses where contraception and emergency contraception are located.
    Church Related Bills:
    • SB19 Set for hearing March 25. – Criminalizes threats of death or great bodily harm at schools or places of worship.
    Crime Related Bills:
    • AB38Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Includes the rape or sexual assault of a minor who has a developmental disability in the list of violent felonies.
    Drug Related Bills:
    • AB634Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Adds tianeptine to the Controlled Substances Act, categorizing it as a drug with high potential for abuse and dependency.
    Elementary & Secondary Education Related Bills:
    • AB19Introduced – Creates education savings accounts to help parents send their children to better-performing schools.
    • AB329Assembly Committee hearing canceled at the request of the author – Requires a comprehensive discussion of adoption in sex education curriculum under the California Healthy Youth Act.
    • AB600Introduced – Allows parents or guardians to request that their child be excused from any public school instruction that discusses transgender concepts.
    • AB1401Introduced – Allows parents the right the access both official and unofficial school records
    • SB64 Set for hearing March 19. – School Choice Flex Account Act. Provides funding for children grades K-12 to be used for private full-time day schools accredited by or awaiting accreditation from, a regional accrediting agency recognized by the state or the United States Department of Education.
    • SCA1Introduced – Allows California to fund private school tuition for eligible students.
    Firearms Related Bills:
    • AB1092 Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Extends the validity of concealed firearm licenses from 2 years to 4 years.
    Immigration Related Bills:
    • AB324Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Permits state law enforcement agencies, otherwise restricted from assisting federal agents in enforcing immigration laws, to provide assistance if an illegal immigrant is alleged or has been previously convicted of violating specific sex trafficking provisions.
    • AJR2Introduced – Assembly Joint Resolution. Calls the federal government to locate the missing children who were brought across the southern border of the United States under the Biden Administration and to take immediate and comprehensive action to address the crisis of missing undocumented children.
    LGBTQ Related Bills:
    • AB89Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Protect Girls’ Sports. Requires the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) to to amend its constitution, bylaws, and policies to prohibit a biological male from participating in girls’ interscholastic sports teams.
    • AB579Introduced – Yaeli’s Law. Clarifies that using a child’s legal name and pronouns based on their birth sex and refusing to provide “gender-affirming care” does not qualify as child abuse or neglect.
    • AB844Introduced – Requires students to participate in sex-segregated school programs and sports based on their biological sex, not their gender identity.
    Pornography Related Bills:
    • AB392Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Prohibits operators of pornographic websites from allowing users to upload sexually explicit content unless the user submits a sworn statement confirming that all individuals in the content are at least 18 years old and consented to the upload.
    • AB621 Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Allows individuals depicted in digitized sexually explicit material to sue those who assisted in creating or distributing it.
    Prison Related Bills:
    • AB1464Introduced – Requires prisons to deny a housing preference by an individual who is transgender, nonbinary, or intersex and require an individual to be housed in a facility consistent with the individual’s anatomy, if the individual has been convicted of sex-related offenses against the opposite gender.
    Prostitution Related Bills:
    • AB379Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Increases penalties for soliciting minors for prostitution, mandates diversion programs for first-time offenders, criminalizes loitering with intent to purchase sex, and establishes a fund to support trafficking victims.
    Sex Offender Related Bills:
    • AB767Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Bans placing released individuals known to be sexually violent predators within 1/4 mile of a daycare or school or private schools that provide elementary or high school education.
    Tax Related Bills:
    • AB397Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Amends the Personal Income Tax Law to gradually increase the age limit for a “qualifying child” for the young child tax credit.


      Abortion Related Bills:

      • AB40 Passed 1st Assembly Committee hearing – Expands the definition of emergency medical services to include abortion.
      • AB45Introduced – Prevents health care providers from disclosing medical research information about non-California residents seeking or obtaining an abortion in California and makes it unlawful to geo-fence an abortion clinic.
      • AB54Introduced – Access to “Safe” Abortion Care Act. Makes legislative findings about medication abortion, with a focus on use of the drugs mifepristone and misoprostol, with the intent to enact legislation that would ensure access to medication abortion.
      • AB67Introduced – Allows the Attorney General to sue any person or entity for planning to violate or violating the Reproductive Privacy Act, which prohibits a person from being subject to civil or criminal liability, or otherwise deprived of their rights, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome or based solely on their actions to aid or assist a woman or pregnant person who is exercising their reproductive rights as specified in the act.
      • AB302Introduced – Makes sure warrants from courts from other states asking for medical information are ignored if it involves issues related to abortions.
      • AB551 Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Provides funding from public and private sources for expanding access to abortion services in hospital emergency rooms.
      • AB1500Introduced – Placeholder bill stating that it is the intent of the legislature to establish an abortion awareness campaign.
      Assisted Suicide Related Bills:

      • SB403Awaiting Senate Committee Hearings – Placeholder bill stating that it is the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation amending the End of Life Option Act which legalizes assisted suicide.
      Education Related Bills:

      • AB727Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Requires schools and colleges to add the Trevor Project hotline, which provides counseling to LGBTQ+ students, to student IDs.
      Elementary & Secondary Education Related Bills:

      • AB86Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Requires the state board to adopt sexual health education materials in grades K-8 pursuant to its 2019 framework.
      • AB281Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Requires school districts to ensure that all pupils in grades 7 to 12, inclusive, receive sexual health education and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention education.
      • AB908Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Adds the implementation of supportive policies and initiatives to address LGBTQ+ pupil education and well-being as an additional state priority to each school’s local control and accountability plan.
      • AB1468Introduced – Requires the Board of Education to adopt rigorous standards in ethnic studies and require school districts, by June 2026.
      • SB510Awaiting Senate Committee Hearings – States that it is the intent of the Legislature to enact future legislation that would ensure that all public school pupils receive a complete and accurate education regarding racial disparities and historical injustices, essentially ensuring that critical race theory and DEI are incorporated into the curriculum.
      • SB608Awaiting Senate Committee Hearings – Requires schools to follow sexual health education rules, allows students to get condoms at school health centers, and bans stores from refusing to sell contraception based on age.
      Health Related Bills:

      • AB260Introduced – States that it is the intent of the legislature to ensure that Californians will continue to have access to abortion, gender-affirming care, and other sexual and reproductive health care. (Placeholder bill that is waiting for more bill text.)
      • SB418Awaiting Senate Committee Hearings – Bans health insurers from discriminating based on sex (including gender identity and intersex traits) and prevents them from denying or limiting coverage for these reasons.
      IVF Related Bills:

      • AB547Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Provides a tax credit of up to $5,000 for in vitro fertilization expenses from 2025 to 2030. Industry-standard IVF processes in America create far more embryos than will be implanted or come to term. While neither fertility clinics nor government agencies keep concrete figures for tracking this question, the number of embryos created in America could number, conservatively, around 4 million per year. Yet current data estimates just 97,000 of these babies are born annually, leaving hundreds of thousands (and possibly millions) of embryos at the mercy of the IVF industry. Clinics often destroy these embryos when parents stop paying the monthly freezer-storage costs. Without intervention, these children face intentional destruction, unintentional death, or indefinite detention.
      • SB257Awaiting Senate Committee Hearings – Requires health insurance companies to cover all surrogate pregnancies, making it a crime if they deny or limit care coverage.
      LGBTQ Related Bills:

      • AB932Introduced – Mandates gender equity in community youth athletics programs, allowing civil actions for discrimination and requiring local educational agencies to accommodate both genders’ athletic interests proportionately or demonstrate full accommodation of underrepresented genders.
      • AB1084 Awaiting Assembly Committee Hearings – Eliminates the ability to object to an adult’s name change to match their gender identity and requires the court to grant the petition within two weeks without a hearing; requires the court to approve a minor’s name change within two weeks if all parents agree, and if any parent disagrees, a hearing will be held only if they object with valid reasons.
      • AB1487Introduced – Adds “Two-Spirit” to the to the beginning of the name of the current “Transgender, Gender Nonconforming, and Intersex Wellness and Equity Fund and further establishes the acronym: 2TGI.
      • SB59Referred to Com. on JUD. – Requires the court to limit access to court records to regarding petitions filed for gender/sex and name changes. It would prohibit those records from being posted publicly, on the internet or otherwise, by anyone other than the petitioner.
      • SB497Awaiting Senate Committee Hearings – Strengthens protections for individuals seeking transgender surgeries and drugs by prohibiting the release of related medical information in response to out-of-state legal actions and restricts the use of CURES data in such contexts, while creating new misdemeanors for unauthorized access to this data.
      • SR22Passed 1st Assembly Committee hearing – Senate Resolution proclaiming March 31, 2025, as Transgender Day of Visibility.
      Woke Ideology Related Bills:

      • AB766Introduced – Requires state agencies to update their plans to focus on racial equity and conduct a racial equity analysis before implementing any budget or regulation, led by a diversity (DEI) officer.


        Firearms Related Bills:
        • AB256Introduced – States that it is the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation regarding crimes involving firearms. (Placeholder bill that is waiting for more bill text.)